
Stan Robinson

With locations in Stafford, Devon, Durham and Glasgow, Stan Robinson has been in business fifty years .

After working for various local haulage companies in Stan’s early life, at the age of 30, Stan decided that enough was enough and he was not going to work for anyone else except for himself. The year was 1970 and he had a chance to buy a second hand lorry, a four wheeler commer, and the “Stan Robinson story” started.

After parking his lorry in the garden of his home for a few years, Stan decided he wanted to expand into his own haulage business, so he rented Colwich Station Yard where he then himself came off the road to run the lorrie’s from the premises. As the business grew, Stan acquired a local haulage company, Davies Transport who had the Evode delivery contract (known now as Bostik). This is how our working relationship started with Bostik and is still continuing at present.

Pictured on 10/07/2020 at Seighford Depot.
Photo courtesy of and copyrighted to Mark Beeston.

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