
COVID-19 Announcement

Dear Members,

All of us are acutely aware of the ongoing, evolving situation surrounding the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency.
The UK Government have been very clear in their advice in terms of self-isolation, social distancing, and the need to make non-essential travel.

Although our hobby generally involves being stood in isolation in truck stops, depots, layby's or roadsides, there is no immunity to coronavirus.
We all know how run ragged the supermarkets are which is torturous temptation for our hobby to go and see which trucks are delivering.
However, we all have our part to play in fighting this health war.

As the government's advice is against non-essential travel, I would urge you all to take care of yourselves and others around you in these uncertain times.
We know this is a temporary situation but will resolve to a new normality if we all play our part. Now would be an ideal time to stay at home and do all those tasks connected to our hobby that keep being put off - whether it's logging spots, arranging photos, editing photos. Our update team continue to work hard with maintain the database to an exceptionally unique standard but please remember some of these people are keyworkers.

My message to you all, is to please, stay safe, keep indoors unless essential travel is needed, and reach out to our truck spotting communities which may ease the isolation that's being created through this unfortunate situation.

Best wishes to you all,

Ben Lord
Managing Director

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