
Gowing & Pursey new Arocs

West London skip hire and waste management specialist Gowing & Pursey has begun a new partnership with Mercedes-Benz Dealer Group Rygor Commercials by commissioning an eye-catching fleet of 18-tonne Arocs skip-loaders.

Brothers Charlie and Noel Ward have taken full control of the business which was acquired in 1989, shortly after their father sold F. Ward Haulage, the company he founded in the 1960s.

Gowing & Pursey operates from a three-acre site in Park Royal, and has ambitious plans for growth. However, reliability issues led to a breakdown last year in its relationship with the manufacturer whose vehicles it had relied upon for many years.

“We approached other suppliers and trialled a number of demonstrators,” Charlie Ward recalled: “It was the Mercedes-Benz product, coupled with the attentive, professional approach of Rygor’s truck sales executive Rish Channa, that really shone out.”

Gowing & Pursey’s first order was for 20 skip-loaders, all 18-tonne Arocs 1824Ks with day ClassicSpace S-Cabs, 175 kW (238 hp) engines and bodywork by Boughton Engineering, of Wolverhampton, which includes electric sheeting systems. Rygor Commercials delivered an initial 15 vehicles late last year, with the remaining five entering service this spring.

“The Arocs are flying,” confirmed Noel Ward. “The drivers love them and not one of the trucks has missed a beat. Mercedes-Benz is in a different league when it comes to the all-round quality of its products, and their suitability for the job.”

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