
New Actros for Hicks

South Wales operator Hicks Logistics has marked its 35th anniversary by making its first investments for more than two decades in fuel-efficient Mercedes-Benz trucks.

Leading the way is its first New Actros tractor unit, which entered service on 1st March and is already returning an extra half a mile per gallon compared to the family-owned company’s established trucks.

The New Actros 2545 has a 450 hp straight-six engine and flat-floored BigSpace cab. It is on general duties but spends much of its time pulling bulk timber products in curtainside trailers for leading customer Premier Forest Products.

“It’s heavy-duty work which takes us all over the UK,” says Managing Director Terry Hicks. “The fleet average is 8 mpg but the New Actros is already up to 8.5 mpg. These are still early days, though, so there’s every reason to think this figure will improve still further as it gets more miles under its belt.”

So impressed was Mr Hicks with his first New Actros that he quickly returned to dealer Euro Commercials (South Wales) with an order for a second, which has just arrived. Again, the company has opted for the 450 hp engine but the latest vehicle has an aerodynamic StreamSpace cab in its narrower, 2.3m form.

Hicks Logistics specialises in the transportation of plant and construction equipment and Mr Hicks explains: “The second New Actros is assigned to our contract with UK Platforms, which entails delivering powered access equipment on semi low-loader trailers nationwide. We have to negotiate some tight country lanes while access to construction sites can also be an issue, so the narrow cab should be an advantage.”

Hicks Logistics has acquired its New Actros through flexible Agility funding packages from Mercedes-Benz Financial Services – the first will cover 130,000 km per year, with the second scheduled to clock-up 100,000 km annually.

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