
Westbury merge with Eddie Stobart

This appeared in yesterdays Independent items in bold are fact. The UK's best-known road haulage firm, Eddie Stobart, was today sold for £138 million (Merged with Westbury). The company, famous for its 900-strong fleet (997) of green and red trucks, is being bought by former property group Westbury under plans to transform itself into a combined transport and logistics business. The merged business will be renamed Stobart Group, with Eddie Stobart's current owners, Andrew Tinkler and William Stobart, remaining with the enlarged group. Eddie Stobart was founded in 1970 (1973) and now operates from 27 sites (15) across the UK, as well as one in Belgium. Its main bases are in Carlisle, Warrington and Daventry. Mr Tinkler and Mr Stobart - the brother(Son) of original founder Eddie - will hold 28.5% of the new company following the merger. The pair worked for railway infrastructure firm WA Developments before buying the struggling haulage firm in 2004. Following today's deal, the new business will combine the road transport, warehouse and rail freight operations of Eddie Stobart with Westbury's growing ports and logistics business. The aim is to create a company able to give customers access to road, rail and sea networks. Westbury has also announced the acquisition of Widnes-based freight handling firm O'Connor for £23 million alongside the Eddie Stobart merger. Moral of the story don't believe a word you read in the papers !!

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