
Lorryspotting site changes name

Just received a letter yesterday morning from DVLA stating that due to the site being an online searchable database of commercial vehicles we need Government approval under EU directive EN12756 to offer this information to the general public. The DVLA have informed me that they are willing to allow the site to continue for the time being on the basis that members do not have the facility to log spots.Hence it is with much reget that I have to inform members and non members alike that as of midday on 1st April 2007 all spots will be deleted and the site will be relocated to I am told that under EU law a sighting of a lorry is treated differently to a spot.I know the transfer of members spots over to members sightings will be an onerous task especially given the limited time constraint you only have 12 hours to do it, I cannot apologise enough for the inconvenience that will be caused to members.

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