
New look Eddie Stobart website is launched

The UK’s largest independent logistics company, Eddie Stobart, is pleased to announce the launch of its new website. This is an exciting development for the business and reflects Eddie Stobart’s strategy of retaining its competitive business edge in current markets along with developing new logistical solutions for the future.Click here for the new site

The site enables customers and all those that are interested in the Eddie Stobart brand, to keep up-to-date with all the latest news and information. Visitors can read about the services Eddie Stobart offers and pin point depot locations as well as browse through client case studies, find general information about the history, achievements and awards of the well-loved company, or even apply for a job online.

William Stobart, Managing Director, is thrilled with the new site, remarking, “It’s fresher, much more interactive and allows us to give more up-to-date information to both our customers and the public alike. We pride ourselves on being customer focused at every level – I think the site reflects this.”

It is hoped that the new site will attract new business through promoting the benefits of working with Eddie Stobart and by the great partnerships customers share with the company as well as assisting in developing further business with existing clients. Lorryspotting are more than happy to announce this major new development for the company in conjunction with their media partners .

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