
Help for a University research project

I received a request from a Masters student from Manchester University (Fine place went there myself) who is trying to produce a device to stop drivers from falling asleep at the wheel. Are there any drivers or haulage contractors out there who could answer these questions and email their answers to Saul Peters Email Saul Peters

1. What do you consider to be the main causes of accidents within the haulage industry?
2.How much of a problem is tiredness and sleeping at the wheel considered to be by A) Drivers B) Haulage companies.
3.What measures, if any, are taken by Drivers and Haulage companies to help combat the effects of tiredness?.

Our idea is to create a device that uses a camera to detect when a driver falls asleep at the wheel. Upon falling asleep the device will make a noise (probably an alarm) to wake the driver up. Assuming that the product had been successful in trials;

4.How receptive would drivers and haulage companies be to such a product?
5.Would such a product be bought for a fleet or would it be something for the individual driver to purchase?
6.Would you consider buying a product such as this for your cab or private car?
7.Is there any other information that you feel may be of interest to us?

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